TIME LURKER & CEPHEIDE interview (french only)

TIME LURKER & CEPHEIDE interview (french only)

Retrouvez l’interview de TIME LURKER et de CEPHEIDE dans le magazine n°88 de METAL OBS ainsi que la chronique du split  sortie le 3 mai 2019. tMETAL OBS’ est distribué gratuitement dans les magasins FNAC, GIBERT JOSEPH, FURET DU NORD… Metal Obs...

The split album between TIME LURKER and CEPHEIDE is finally out

The split album between TIME LURKER and CEPHEIDE is finally out on May 3rd 2019! Some of the most tortuous dreams turn out to be inexplicably consistent. In these you’re not sure if you went willingly or if you just let yourself sink. Dreams whose distant and blurred...

New track by CEPHEIDE

We are pleased to announce you the video premiere by NO CLEAN SINGING of a new track from the split album between Time Lurker and CEPHEIDE, which will be released on May 3rd. « Some of the most tortuous dreams turn out to be inexplicably consistent. In these...


We are glad to announce you that we will release, on May 3rd  a split album between TIME LURKER and CEPHEIDE: Some of the most tortuous dreams turn out to be inexplicably consistent. In these you’re not sure if you went willingly or if you just let yourself sink....