ARKHON INFAUSTUS will play at Old Grave Fest VII, Bucarest, Romania
ARKHON INFAUSTUS will play at Old Grave Fest VII, Bucarest, Romania. (12-13 October 2018) Tickets http://www.rtmc.ro/tickets/ More than two decades ago, one of the filthiest, most extreme blackened death metal acts out there came to life in Paris. By the time Arkhon...
ARKHON INFAUSTUS will play at Tyrant Fest, North of France
ARKHON INFAUSTUS will hit the stage on 18 Novembrer 12018. Be there! . Tyrant Fest is a 2 days indoor festival. More news here:https://www.tyrantfest.com/ SOLD OUTArkhon Infaustus – Passing The Nekromanteion // T-shirt 22,00€ 2017 LADLO RELEASES...
ARKHON INFAUSTUS @Brutal Assault festival
Breaking a decade of silence, ARKHON INFAUSTUS raise again from the shadows to finish their work and taking over the title of French most controversial metal act. Arkhon Infaustus will hit the stage @ Brutal Assault festival. August 8-11 2018 Czech Republic Event...
Killtown Bookings (Belgium) is proud to unleash the routing of the EVROPA UNLIGHT tour 2018 featuring two of the most evil sounding black/death metal bands spawned on this putrid earth, ARKHON INFAUSTUS (fr) and DEMONOMANCY (it). The routing will be as following:...