Only one year after Vacuum, “Pensées Nocturnes” (Nocturnal Thoughts) release their second damaging effect, “Grotesque”. Vaerohn told me once “Be careful, you have to listen to the record, not hear it”. It’s up to the listener. While maintaining a chaotic, avant-gardist, deranged, even grotesque or weird melancholy, Vaerohn takes us through fun fairs, grandiloquent church organs, philharmonic orchestras, brass bands, piano decadence, dissonant or depressive Black metal riffs, or even Post Black, crazy voice clear as opposed to the usual standards, or screwed and dissonant guitar solo … And this description of his compositions is still too much simplistic… Everything moves on, intermixes and disentangles, contrasts and that is what makes the music so personal, complete and surprising. Each song is a rich and peculiar piece, where each atmosphere, arranging, melody, transition, regression, deconstruction is carefully thought, which makes this album an artwork you rediscover each time you listen to it! It is Vaerohn’s selfish pleasure, freed by his tortuous mind that will fulfill music-lovers.
TAULIER Léon Harcore
Guitares Zacques et Robert
Basse Le Grand
Batterie Jéhannum
Chants complémentaires Jéjé et Alasdair
Sax Jon
Words from the label manager, Gérald Milani :
« Without Pensées Nocturnes, there would have been no label because the two first albums of the band in 2009 and 2010 allowed us to throw ourselves into the business. This is with a particular affection that I speak of this band and its composer / singer / friend because he has been a part of the association as an editor for the webzine for some years. As you may have already understood, Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions is a family story.
The first album, “Vacuum”, provided the basis of the label by lead it to enter into a movement associated to Black Metal but more as an influences, as you know we love bands that goes beyond a style. Even if it could have been improved, it helped us to launch the label with already a strong identity.
“Grotesque” is, in my opinion, a masterpiece and one of LADLO best release. As far as I know, few bands have pushed the Black Metal experimentation that hard, in such a succeed and original way. I personally don’t see anything to change to this album.
Later came “Nom d’une Pipe”, the band’s third album with was, as it often happens, the most mature album, emphasizing its craziness and avant-garde position. This album easily overthrow the two others, but did not met the same success. Maybe the genius of Vaerhon cannot be understood by every hears, and some might have felt lost…
Following this disillusionment, but also because we wanted to lead the label to a less experimental and more accessible music, Vaerhon released its fourth album in autoproduction – a benefic and formative decision for the band.
All along the albums, VAERHON kept on sharpening its style and offers us with Grand Guignol Orchestra a masterpiece, unique and timeless. I challenge anyone to find a band close to PENSEES NOCTUNES. Once again, this album overcomes the previous one and gives us an avant-garde and monumental work : some kind of Black Metal circus. Here comes the most twisted circus orchestra that has ever been. A grotesque and depraved one where madness and brutality meets, intertwining rhythmic and arrhythmic moments, melody and dissonance, let’s not forget the vociferations, the tormented choirs and the drunkard choral. All of those features are mixed with an accordion, wind instruments and other ones even crazier.
VAERHON is a genius : in terms of composition, interpretation (except for the drums, he recorded every single instruments), destructuring and of the French language where every apostrophe, every verses, every declamations plays with the words and their meanings, mistranslation and their truth.
I don’t know any other band the pushed the intention that far, with such a powerful resonance in their music. That’s such a great work from Fred (Studio Henosis) that perfectly succeeded in mixing and mastering that complex and rich music. And what about that artwork from Cäme Roy from Rat ? In my opinion, this album is perfect.
PENSEES NOCTURNES is now going live and offers a Dantesque and quirky show, performed by a line-up composed of disgusting clowns, led by a charismatic conductor. That is a unique experience from which no one is unmoved.” »
Douce Fange | Release date : 21/01/22 | Duration : 00:49:50
Format : CD digipack > AO-168| Double LP LPAO-169
No shows booked at the moment.
PHOTOS RELEASE DATE: January 21, 2022ARTIST: Pensées NocturnesTITLE: Douce FangeSTYLE: Wrecked Black MetalORIGIN: FranceDURATION: 49 min 50LABEL: Les Acteurs de L'Ombre ProductionsNETWORK DISTRIBUTOR: Season of Mist / Plastic HeadDIGITAL DISTRIBUTOR: The Orchard...
PENSEES NOCTURNES:new track « Les valseuses »
The LADLO crew whishes you an happy new year 2019. As a gift, here is Pensées Nocturnes's new track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wMU9suyHCk "Grand Guignol Orchestra" is available in preorder, the release is planned for February 1st, 2019 (CD Digipack with booklet...
Lire plusPensées Nocturnes have produced one of the best black metal records I’ve heard in years. Eccentric, brilliant and genius. – Metal Archives
Pensées Nocturnes – Vacuum review by Metal Archives
Pensées Nocturnes have produced one of the best black metal records I’ve heard in years. Eccentric, brilliant and genius. - Metal Archives Read the full review.