
LISTEN now to « Je deviens mon propre abysse », second extract from the album ‘Y’ of the Swiss band BORGNE and set to be released on March 6th 2020.

Track review on NO CLEAN SINGING, check it HERE


Continuously pushing its own limits for the past two decades, Borgne is a powerful machinery spreading mechanical coldness and producing an industrial energy.
Constantly evolving throughout its already released eight albums, this Swiss band has been hammering various stages since 2011, leaving a lasting impression on spectators’ minds.
Entwining ethereal melodies and drum machines’ pounding, Borgne will grasp you into abyssal depths

LINE-UP : Borgne is initially a solo project of Bornyhake.

Bornyhake – Composition, singer, lyrics.
Lady Kaos – Keyboards
Dam Bastard – Session bass & backing vocals
Onbra – Lyrics, session guitar & backing vocals